Pride is defined as an excessive love for oneself, belief in one’s abilities, the desire to excel everyone else. That's s a sin?
Also known as avarice, covetousness, or cupidity, Greed is an intense desire and passionate love for material wealth. Much like lust and gluttony, greed results from an irrational longing for what you don’t need. We want to see greedy cock suckers, greedy caning whores, be creative with what you are greedy for.
Wrath is simply uncontrolled feelings of anger, rage, or hatred. Wrath feeds on a strong desire to exact vengeance and is often fueled by an irrational drive to harm others. I am certain all our ladies have an irrational drive to hurt our slaves. wield them whips, canes and get them balls kicked.
Lust refers to an intense desire, usually to engage in illegal or immoral sexual pleasure. Lust can lead to sexual immorality. We are absolutely certain that Bitches UnleaSHEd is the best platform for immoral behavior. How will you show lust??
Envy is the desire for possessions, happiness, as well as the talents and abilities of others. we`re hoping there`s at least one fully painted green slave.
Gluttony refers to the over-consumption of food or anything to the point of waste. seamen is considered food;right? Maybe staple cupcakes to your slave?
Sloth, is laziness as is manifested by the willful avoidance of work. This does sound very much like Sissy Maids who would rather fanny about looking at themselves, than actually do a job? We think it would far more fun ACTUALLY dressing up as a sloth!
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Bitches UnleaSHEd